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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Causal diamonds, discrete subgroup of Lorentz group in question defining hyperbolic 3-mani- fold as "lattice cell", the proper time dis- tances between tips of CD quantized as integer multiples of "CP_2 time", which is roughly 10^(3.5) Planck times ???? characterizing the time needed to travel a dis- tance defined by CP_2 size with light-velocity, discrete Lorentz boosts and rotations of CDs are allowed with discrete subgroup of Lorentz group in question, discrete subgroup of Lorentz group in question defining discrete lattice of the proper time constant hyperboloid, CAUSAL DIAMONDS are assumed to form a hierarchy, one can speak about the moduli space of CDs in which particle or any quantal object described by zero energy state has wave function crucial for understanding how the arrow and flow of time emerge, a connection between elementary particle physics and macroscopic physics: for instance, for electron this time scale is .1 seconds, the fundamental biorhythm corresponding to length scale rather near to circumference of Earth, the proper time dis- tances between tips of CD quantized as integer multiples of "CP_2 time", which is roughly 10^(3.5) Planck times and having in the case of elementary particle characterized by p-adic prime p minimal value equal to the secondary p-adic time scale which is p times the CP_2 time, subsets of imbedding space of form CDxCP_2, where CD is defined as diamond-like intersection of future and past directed light-cones and analogous to Penrose diagram, in the case of elementary particles to have minimal size equal to the secondary p-adic time scale which is p-adic prime p times the CP_2 time scale, CAUSAL DIAMONDS are assumed in the case of elementary particles, discrete subgroup of Lorentz group in question and possibly having cosmological significance since lattice means quantization of redshifts and distances of astrophysical objects, form a hierarchy meaning that one can speak about the moduli space of CDs in which particle or any quantal object described by zero energy state has wave function, CD is defined as diamond-like intersection of future and past directed light-cones and analogous to Penrose diagram and called also causal diamonds since the CP_2 in CDxCP_2 is not relevant for the notion, CAUSAL DIAMONDS are defined to be subsets of imbedding space of form CDxCP_2,, CAUSAL DIAMONDS are assumed to to have sizes, form a hierarchy meaning that there are CDs within CDs - possibly also overlapping CDs, to have sizes characterized by the proper time dis- tances between tips of CD quantized as integer multiples of "CP_2 time", which is roughly 10^(3.5) Planck times, form a hierarchy meaning that discrete Lorentz boosts and rotations of CDs are allowed, minimal size equal to the secondary p-adic time scale which is p-adic prime p times the CP_2 time scale meaning a connection between elementary particle physics and macroscopic physics: